Are you ready to hold your breath? Don’t be fooled by the start with Just a Gigolo playing as the surfers relax – this is just a short preamble to what is to come! This awesome and exhilarating short movie was filmed from January to July 2010 in Reunion Island.
This place, remarkable for its surfing, is a French island with a population of just under a million people and is located in the Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar and about 200 kilometres (120 miles) south west of Mauritius.
A number of surf locations were used, including St Pierre, La Tortue, Roches and Les Brisants.
The film, breathtakingly shot by Ian Mourier features a number of world class surfers. Here you can see the likes of Maxime Huscenot, Christophe Allary, Charly Chapelet, Laury Grenier, Olivier Marimoutou, Hugo Dubosc and Adrien Rapp among others.
This is more than a tribute to the riders who were filmed here. It is hoped that this film, which was created for the Zot movie festival which is dedicated to extreme sports, will attract more and more surfers to Reunion Island. Looking from this footage that job has been well done.
It may not be as easy to get to as Hawaii but it looks worth every cent of the air fare.