Alan Shearer was with Gary Speed on Saturday on television before he headed off to Old Trafford to watch Manchester United play Newcastle, which is now the last time he saw Gary Speed.
Shearer said: "We were arranging next weekend. He was coming up to stay at my house with his wife and we were going up to various charity dinners on Friday and Saturday.
"We left the studio at half past two and I walked over to Old Trafford to go and watch Newcastle. I shook his hand and said, 'see you next weekend' - and unfortunately I won't.
"It's incredible. I'm still numb and still shocked like everyone else. You read things in the newspaper and it doesn't happen to one of your best mates.
"I'm just so sad and shocked and feel for (Speed's wife) Louise and his two boys and mum and dad."
Recalling his last moment with his close friend Shearer added: "I was with him and he was happy and joking and we were having a normal mickey-take like we do out of each other, and having a laugh and a joke about our golf trips and holidays that we went on together last year, and planning our next holiday in Portugal next summer with our families and kids."
Shearer became close friends with Gary Speed when Kenny Dalglish signed the Welshman at Newcastle, with Shearer describing his team-mate as "a great footballer and a model pro".
Shearer added: "You're bound to have arguments along the way in football, but no-one ever did with Gary - no-one had a bad word for him.
"He was an incredible guy who you could rely and depend on. Everyone loved him... he was loved because that's the type of guy that he was - he got on with everyone and everyone respected him."