If this film doesn't leave you exhausted then nothing will.
It is a glimpse of the cyclist and all round athlete called Pete Billington. All of the outdoor shots were taken out of the back/top of a four door jeep wrangler going up Mount Tamalpais. Everything else took place on a stage in a controlled studio environment that was lit using 2 soft boxes. It gives a glimpse of just how hard the training regime is for a cyclist and how fit they have to be to compete.
The film was created by Landis Fields, Zac Wollons, Punn Wiantrakoon, and Brian Berringer and directed and Edited by Landis Fields. The project required 2 locations. The entire film was shot on 2 canon 7D's (mostly at 60p for "slow-mo" flexibility later on while editing) and 1 Canon 5D at 30p which was conformed to a 24 frame timeline. All cameras were equipped with different lenses that fit the needs of each shot.
In case you are wondering, the music is by A Perfect Circle - Outsider (Apocalypse Remix).