Then he was sent to the naughty step. Well, not really but following this week’s events which would rival many a northern soap opera for their sheer ups and downs (hesitation, rancour, soul searching followed ultimately by compromise and resolution) Rooney should perhaps spend a minute or two there.
As U-turns go this was a fairly major one and now he is back on the Old Trafford Bus he can expect to earn £160K a week with incentives of probably another £40 or so at least. We don’t expect he will be receiving Child Benefit for the kids when it becomes mean tested in a few years but if it was behaviour tested his mum would still be getting it.
At least Rooney, then, has something to celebrate on his 25th birthday on Sunday. You can just imagine the metaphorical birthday feast. Colleen forcing a smile, her parents clenching their fists and a group of fans like Tiny Tim (or at least a very fed up one) at the butcher boys window. Not heard that one? The police had to be called on Thursday to remove angry fans from outside chez Wayne. To say he has one or two bridges to rebuild is to put it lightly.
Ian Holloway, the Manger of Blackpool certainly had something to say about football's authorities for allowing Wayne Rooney to manufacture his exit from the club.
If his contract is extended to 2015 you can only hope that the bruised feelings and hurt he has caused this week can heal before that.
Image Credit Flickr User dullhunk